iDocket is a software development company and our open-source architecture and continuous improvement methodology is 180 degrees different from what is typically offered in the judicial services industry.
Judicial Case Management Systems
Quartz Group is our largest family of programs and uses the latest technology. Our developers are regularly working to expand the solutions offered and provide upgrades at no additional cost. The browser interface makes this system user-friendly with an intuitive navigation. Its open database design is hardware-independent so Quartz can be run on a desktop PC, network system, or server which reduces the initial costs associated with switching to a new system. This feature makes maintenance with remote support services a breeze for timely solutions. Service agreements include support and upgrades by our dedicated team.

Comprehensive and automated judicial case management software solutions.
- Add docket notes in real-time
- Keep pace with in-court processes with real-time court calendar access on the dashboard
- Summary of case information stored with the case for immediate review
- Add private or shared notes to the case docket sheets
- Navigate to external links such as the Texas Constitution and Statutes
- Batch notices
- Google calendar integration

A comprehensive and automated judicial case management software solution for County and District Attorneys.
- County-wide solution for information
- View all aspects of a case, including arrest, indictment, case creation, case filing, and final adjudication
- Migrate data from old software to new
- Easy maintenance and tracking of intake cards, injured parties, victims, agency case numbers, and related cases
- Hot check management for county attorneys

- Upload videos, images, and documents and send to defense attorneys
- Highly secure access with audit trails and viewing records
- Fast uploading
- High-capacity, cloud-based solution
- Affordable
- 90-day trial available
- Stand-alone product or can be integrated with Quartz CA/DA Case Management application

Comprehensive and automated case management software solutions for District and County Clerks.
- Court Case Operations
- Court Settings
- State and Financial Reporting
- Integrated Imaging Application
- Easy Installation & Maintenance
- Continuous Customer Support

Integrated case management software for misdemeanor cases.
- Complete ticket and misdemeanor management
- DPS Ticket Import and state fine reporting
- Defensive Driving management
- Create notice & complaint forms directly from case information
- Track 30/60/90 late fines, auto letters, auto late fees
- Custom reports by officer or department, financial, Omni & OCA reports
- Migrate data from old software to new

Software that provides a County-wide view of outstanding fees for each office with tracking installment plans and compliance.
- Create accounts and cases
- Custom reporting
- Quickly search cases and accounts